5 Occasions Perfect For Catering Snack and Dessert Boxes

5 Occasions Perfect For Catering Snack & Dessert Boxes

| Delifrance Singapore

While organising an event to celebrate new beginnings or special occasions can be fun and exciting, it is also overwhelming at times when there are so many things to prepare. Apart from finalising the guestlist and picking out the best decorations, food is also an important aspect that can make or break the entire experience. 

Thus, if you are planning an upcoming event and want food that is yummy and yet fuss-free to prepare, snack box catering and dessert box delivery available in Singapore may just be what you are looking for. 

Keep reading to find out why ordering snack and dessert boxes for these five occasions is perfect for adding the final touches to any event. 

1. Birthday party

If you are apprehensive about splurging on a buffet setup for your birthday party, ordering snack box delivery is an alternative. Snack boxes commonly contain a few assortments of scrumptious pastries that are easy to consume. They are a cost-effective option as you will have a better gauge of how many to order, as well as a more environmentally friendly choice where food waste will be reduced since leftovers can be easily brought home by your guests. 

Consider ordering dessert boxes too! They are filled with mini bites such as macarons, eclairs and fruit tarts and are the perfect accompaniment to your savoury main dishes.

2. Gender reveal party

Similar to birthday parties, the peak of any gender reveal party is definitely the part where the parents find out whether the baby is a boy or a girl. But before that, it is always a good idea to keep your guests occupied with a selection of snacks and desserts.

snack box Singapore gender reveal party

3. Housewarming

Other than birthday and gender reveal parties, housewarming parties are also a great occasion to order snack box catering and dessert box delivery. This means you will not have to cook, allowing you to focus more of your time and effort on hosting your friends and family. 

Additionally, snack and dessert boxes are easy to clean up so there is no need to fret about dirtying your new home. 

4. Company events

Dessert and snack boxes are not just for informal gatherings, they are equally great for company-wide events such as town halls, team outings and daily meetings. As the pastries and desserts come packed in individual boxes, they can be handed out to employees swiftly with minimal mess in the office. They are also a more hygienic catering option, since each employee gets their own box without having to worry about cross-contamination. 

Order snack box delivery in Singapore to give your employees a boost during long meetings or get dessert boxes as a treat during team-bonding events.

snack box Singapore company events

5. Weddings

If you have been racking your brain for the ideal pre-ceremony bites, consider ordering dessert or snack boxes that your guests can nibble on while mingling before dinner starts.

These thoughtfully chosen bites can act as appetisers before the main event kicks off, helping to amp up the excitement for what the main dining experience has to offer. 

Snack box and dessert box delivery in Singapore

Have an upcoming event to plan? Consider ordering your dessert and snack boxes from Délifrance. 

Our wide selection of French pastries and desserts, ranging from mini croissants to madeleines, will add pizzazz to your esteemed event to make it truly unforgettable. 

Order now!