5 Reasons To Cater Individual Meal Boxes For Your Next Company Event

5 Reasons To Cater Individual Meal Boxes For Your Next Company Event

| Delifrance Singapore

No event is ever complete without food and the same goes for company events regardless of whether it is a formal or casual setting. 

Learn more: How Catering Breakfast for Employees Makes a Difference in the Workplace

But one of the most common dilemmas many event planners have is whether to order buffet catering or individual meal boxes instead. While buffets usually look more extravagant, meal boxes may be a better choice in some instances. 

Here is why you should choose meal boxes for your next company event - keep reading to find out more. 

1. A more sanitary option

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought hygiene to the forefront in recent years and more are becoming conscious of the spread of germs now. Although guests will not be sharing dishes directly with a buffet, there is still the risk of cross-contamination if someone were to use their own utensils instead of the tongs provided to pick up food, for instance. Hence, choosing to order a meal or snack box is a more sanitary option since food comes packaged in individual containers, offering your guests greater peace of mind that their health will not be compromised. 

2. Customisable to cater to a wider audience

There is no way to satisfy everybody’s dietary needs and preferences when you order a buffet that is meant to be shared amongst everyone. But with individual meal boxes that are customisable, guests will be able to state their dietary preferences and any allergens, helping to make your job easier while reducing food wastage simultaneously. Not only will this increase the satisfaction and experience of your guests, but it will also assist your company in saving money and doing its part in being kinder to the environment.

Customisable to cater to a wider audience-meal box Singapore

3. More space-saving

If space constraint is a concern when planning the event, ordering meal box catering in Singapore may be a more feasible option. Unlike buffets, meal boxes take away the need for additional table set-ups as guests will be able to grab a box and return to their seats for their meals. 

4. Efficient and time-saving

Traditional buffet catering requires guests to queue up before they can get their hands on some food. On the contrary, meal boxes are essentially a ‘take and go’ concept, increasing efficiency and saving time. This will be especially helpful during events like business meetings and conferences where guests are time-strapped and would like a fuss-free and quick meal.

5. Easy clean-up 

Last but not least, there will be fewer items to clean up after the event when you order meal boxes for your guests as compared to a buffet set-up because everybody is responsible for clearing their own boxes. Guests can also choose to bring leftover snack boxes home if they would like, helping to further minimise food wastage which will make cleaning up after the event more of a breeze.

Order meal boxes in Singapore from Délifrance

Order meal boxes in Singapore from Délifrance

Regardless of whether you are ordering breakfast catering or an after-event lunch for your guests, Délifrance is your one-stop place for authentic and scrumptious French pastries that will make a good impression. 

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